Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Missing in Action

A whirl wind of weeks have blown by. New projects and just plain upkeep of the shop and life.
I've been working on the addition of shopping pages to our web site http://www.hihohome.com/ and I just finished my first HiHo How To Video, http://www.youtube.com/user/HiHoHome?feature=mhum both challenging and rewarding. I hope you take a peek at both.
Mr. HiHo was a wonderful producer, director and camera man, I was a bumbling host. Every segment you see I did at least four times. What you see took two and a half hours in the shop and two hours at home editing. Now to figure out how to promote the HiHo YouTube Chanel? There is always work to be done ;))
We also did an installation of a Tuscany themed photo booth at a charity event....busy, busy.

I hope the elves are preparing the shop for Christmas, because I'm behind ;)!!!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Miss Heidi!
I'm sitting here at home wearing my new pink reading glasses as I can no longer see things close up but I think they make me look smart and I think they give me a little bit of Claudia(MHC) classiness!

I do have to tell you that I am seriously planning to make a dream trip to visit your sweet store sometime in the summer. I have missed blogging but more than that, I've missed visiting everyone. Keep your fingers crossed for me because I really do want to see your store!

Many hugs for Heidi!
Deanna :D