Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pick a Card

Any Card....
Everybody knows we sell antiques. However many think that's all we have. Sooo, for the next few posts I thought I might share some shop photos that showcase merchandise we sell other than antiques. Our cards are both fun and pretty, many have vintage graphics.We have two full walls of Birthday cards and two spinners of special occasion cards. HiHo is conveniently located next door to the post office...


Glennis said...

Hi, Heidi.

Go visit Carmi's site for Thematic Photographic - It's a lot of fun to start riffing on the theme! A good way to drive traffic to your blog, too, but mostly it's just fun and creative.

Nancy said...

Sweet cards...we should stop in if we ever can get out of Vermont for a day...this converted southerner needs the snow to stop first! :-)

Kris said...

Hello Heidi,

This post is just another reason Phil and I need to take a road trip to Gardiner, NY. Love the cards, especially the ones with vintage graphics. Can't you relocate your shop to the Nashville area?

Have a happy day
