Friday, December 11, 2009

A Pink Saturday Update

It's Pink Saturday, it happens every week , with me or without me. It has been months since I have participated and it has not been without regret.....because... Where have I been??? Working, here at HiHo and using facebook to keep the world informed that I am still alive. The retail fourth quarter can be overwhelming on it's own and have I mentioned, I have three teenagers, woops, sorry one turned 20 this week. HiHo, my shop, has sky rocked to new levels, since we were honored with the title of Best Gift Shop in the Hudson Valley, {well... we are meeting a lot of first time in customers anyway :)}. While using facebook has attracted a whole new customer base and is a great way to communicate with HiHo Fans, it has pulled me away from my beloved blog postings. Amazingly Beverly sends me an invite every week to join in on Pink Saturdays. Each week I read her email shake my head and think....I can't fit that in this week. DARN. This week I thought how dumb it would be if I didn't fit a Pink Saturday post in, me the avid 30 year collector of vintage pink Christmas ornaments.... I know all the followers of PS will appreciate my obsession and I love to share.

I don't usually share shots of my home. I attempt to use this blog to promote and inform about my shop, HiHo. However the holiday season in my home seems to scream Pink Saturday. The houses and deer sit behind the corner of the couch in my living room and the ornaments are from my tree.

May your season be bright and pink!

To continue more pink fun click on the I Love Pink button in my sidebar...thank you, Beverly, a big pink lipstick kiss to you;)


Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

Thank you for your visit today! I checked out HiHo & it looks fabulous!!! I love your vintage pinks too.
xo Tami

Unknown said...

I love your collection of Pink Houses. I love the name of your shop HiHo, how brilliant. Your pink post is beautiful, and I love all those lovely ornaments too.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Heidi! What treasures! I am so glad you posted this. Loved seeing all of these beautiful things.

And congratulations on your honor. That is great news! :-)

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)

Claudia said...

Ah, my favorite pinks! Happy Pink Saturday, my friend!


GwendolynKay said...

I am so glad you found the time to post a pink sat. , You have lovely houses and the deer are darling. Pink Blessings!

♥Mimi♥ said...

We don't need elaborate decorations or a big tree or numerous gifts under a tree. All any of us needs is to carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and to share it all year long with everyone we meet.

Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me today. Yes, I'm crazy about ♥PINK♥ but I'm also devoted to visiting some of the nicest blogs in cyberspace.

Hoping your weekend is filled with peace.

Anonymous said...

Facebook, schmacebook. I check your blog every day for updates (right after I read my honey's). I especially love when you write about how you bring your ideas to life. Dirk and I know, really, really know how hard it is to make a design turn out just as we envisioned it in our heads, (starting with the ol' are-we-thinking-the-same-thing problem, but that's another story). You are our idol!

Jenny said...

Oh that is just beautiful!! How fun!

Sandra Evertson said...

Happy Holidays!