Lets see, the best moments of this years show....Meeting up with Whitney, as she exited the social media seminar, leaping with excitement over her new wealth of knowledge.
Taking in the grand scale furniture and displays at the pier.
Riding the "party" bus from the Javits Center to the permanent showrooms at 7W. Sorry, no pictures the black lights and disco ball kept me from taking a photo of the group of ladies singing to "sock hop" music while the two large screen TVs ran reruns of old westerns.
Finding and reading the text on the charms, we finally ordered and having Isabella's expert opinion while choosing jewelry. (couldn't find a shot of the charms we ordered but you get the idea)

One on one time with a sales representative for over two hours, ordering Christmas goods, and we sealed the deal with a hug.

Hot bath Sunday night, at a friends place in the city.

The moment after I figured out two new favorite lines, one textiles, one soaps and tea towels, mix and match perfectly.
Susan's ability to crack herself up....always makes me laugh.
Realizing the jewelry we fell in love with, Isabella approves and is made in upstate NY.