Party favors, cupcakes, streamers and noise makers. Yup we are all dolled up with Humphrey's Birthday just around the corner...we will be serving up some cake for the six year old and lots of friends. You will be sure to be invited. I'm a busy Mom and still need to firm up a date. Stay posted!!!
HiHo Home Market and Antique Center is a brick and mortar shop in Gardiner, NY, a home store with a mix of old and new merchandise that is continually evolving. We are a short country drive from almost anywhere in the beautiful Hudson Valley. This blog is where I will share my inspirations, seasonal changes, favorite haunts, special events and promotions. It is my hope that by keeping a diary of life here at HiHo, you will share in our energy and excitement for creating beautiful living spaces, and be inspired to create your own beautiful spaces at home! Be sure to visit our website at for even more pictures!