I would tell you to click the Pink Saturday button in my side bar to visit more pinks and to meet Beverly. Post a few images to represent the Pink baby items in the shop and I would be done... Until... well, you see the story goes something like this...I have a very close friend who came home from out west. A blog friend to many of you.
She is home for Easter visiting her husband , dogs, my family and me too. The glasses are a clue to who this friend is... Humphrey spotted her first! He adores her...
She loves this baby doll and had a hand in marking her price up high , so not to sell.( Her plan worked)
Claudia! Yup, pictured here with her two favorite baby's at HiHo.
See... now wasn't that better than a regular Pink Saturday? Claudia and I enjoy our time together, I'm so thankful she has been able to come home. It's only a short visit but at least we will have Easter together. Be sure to visit her at http://mockingbirdhillcottage.blogspot.com/
Happy Pink Saturday!