..hmmm, what are my signs of Spring, you know things that happen every year at this time, that remind you Winter is over.
The first is the window redo that usually without fail has me hunting for the silk forsythias and a dash of green.
There are wonderful things, like loading the truck late at night with auction purchases in a muddy parking lot, (but it is over 50 degrees.) The pooling of rain water in front of the shop and Humphrey refusing to go out in the rain.
Customers in search of outdoor iron furniture, potting containers and treats for the garden.
The gathering of merchandise that compliments the Annual Gardiner Cupcake Festival, has begun here at HiHo.
Meetings with the Main Street Gang are more frequent and productive,reviewing all the details for the day, May 8th, this year.
My favorite every day sign of Spring, is having the shop door open, being able to put almost anything outside and seeing all the other doors open in the hamlet.
Life is good in the Spring!!