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My Dad has a tale he tells about Spring...he says the first Robin you see of the season is a sign of your prosperity for the year. I was reminded of this about a week ago when admiring a blog post that had lovely picture of a Robin featured.
The tale goes something like this...a Robin viewed in flight means a very wealthy year. A Robin in a tree is a pretty good sign too. Well you can tell where this is going, a Robin on the ground, hmmm, not so good. So every year in the Spring I gaze upwards as much as possible. I do believe in this way of predicting the years wealth, because the year my first Robin was in flight I did make some money. I think that was in the 80's, (didn't everyone have money then?) Anyway... Last years Robin was hopping on the ground, ( I waited till it took flight, I figured it couldn't hurt). The year was good but did have ups and downs.
OK, that brings us to this week. I still had not seen my first Robin of this Spring as of Friday, so I was diligently viewing upward when ever I was out and about. Remember I do believe in this stuff... My Dad is half Black Foot Indian and some how it doesn't seem that far fetched to think of it as a reasonable way to predict the year. Friday evening I hurried out to the high school for a function and...turned the corner...and what did I see...Robin road kill. I'm no longer a believer!