My job is to be the guy at HiHo. Although me and Humphrey are always out numbered we always enjoy working. One of my first big jobs was at the first tent event. I always enjoy tent events because I always receive jobs that are not like the ones I do other days at the store. The tent event is an annual event that takes place every Gardiner day weekend. The huge tent is set up along with the music, dealers, and Sal sets up his hot dog stand. One year I worked a space in the tent called the Library Tea Cup Toss. The objective was to try to throw a ping pong ball into a cup and saucer, if you did this you would win the cup and saucer that the ping pong ball landed in. This years Tent Event is planned for Sept. 13th and 14th.

The amount raised from the event was enough to make a sizable donation to the library.
Although I enjoy tent events my favorite job involves a cow head. One day I put on a cow head and was on the street waving to people for over 60 minutes. Often now I will still put the cow head on for fun waving to people. Every time I take the cow head out and wave I count how many times people honk their horns or wave.

Yet another job I have is to be the HiHo train conductor in our upstairs Christmas room. Our train is a Lionel O gauge North Pole Central train. My job as conductor is to use the transformer to make the train go faster or slower. The train room seems to be the favorite room of all the younger children who come to HiHo.
The next time your in just ask to see the train run.