Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Thanks to many HiHo friends and customers, HiHo has the title of
BEST GIFT SHOP in the Hudson Valley. A readers choice award that we are humbled by and very grateful for. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Tent Event 2009

It happened the weekend before last, one of the most exciting weekends of the year. Second only to our Holiday Open House. The tents went up on Friday and the event kicked off Saturday morning.
One side of HiHo had was our event and the other, was the Gardiner Library's Book Fair.We lined the street with Mums, making a safe walkway for visitors. Saturday morning was damp, a sprinkle or two, but the crowds came out in the afternoon.

The tents were filled with goodies. Vendors set up lovely booths and visited with HiHo customers.

It was fun to taste the honey, visit with friends and listen to the music.

Number one son, Everett, cooked and served up hot dogs for two days. Raising money for the library.

Jami, show cased art work representing peace, done by children from around the world.

Heather's, quilts was beautiful and the children's aprons were delightful.

Steph and Liz peddled hand crafted decorations for all seasons....when they were not buying books at the library tent.

A better view of the girls booth.

The bands were fantastic with energy a plenty performing for the crowds.
The majority of the pictures taken, are early morning shots before I got too busy being the hostess. I regret not getting a shot of musician Don Sparks on Sunday and a few of Aubrey singing with the band on Saturday. Although, those are the only regrets of that weekend....many thanks to all who joined in the fun. You all sounded and looked great!