An independent film crew took over the shop Sunday morning. They shot two scenes for, Anatomy of the Lonely, between seven and eleven in the morning (before the shop opened). Writer/Director; David Winkfield and Cinematographer; Christen Lesperance could not have been any nicer.They worked swiftly and professionally.
Both scenes they shot in HiHo were to look like a floral shop. They first shot a scene upstairs in the landing, they filled the area with roses. It was a scene where a young man entered the flower shop and met a french girl, who helped him select some roses.
They then completely took down everything they had set up and did a complete set up at the counter area downstairs. ( best lighting the shop has ever been seen in)
Director, cinematographer, sound man, a production assistant and two actors worked tightly to create what will be a intimate private conversation between two people on film. 

Rob Apuzzo, Sonaan Gray, David Winkfield, Christian Lesperance
and actors, Gabe Molar and Ann-Sophie
A full morning in the middle of a packed weekend. They finished in time. I opened the shop on time and they left me with hundreds of roses.
Aubrey said it best, when she arrived at the shop and saw the roses. "they put you in such a great mood, the roses are wonderful."

Thanks to David, Christian and their crew for making the experience such a pleasure....and for the roses!! For more information about David go to