Having a fondness for author and illustrator Romney Gay, I was very surprised and delighted to acquire five of his books for the shop this week, all in wonderful condition. 

I have always adored animals and I vividly remember holding this next book up and sharing the illustrations with my second grade class. The Pet Show is in great condition with the slip cover intact. 

The book I was most excited about purchasing will remain home. Little Black Sambo was read over and over in my childhood home, I was fascinated with the tigers turning into butter. The evening I won the bid on the lot of books which included Sambo, I was elated. I phoned my Dad in Canada to share my excitement, he didn't miss a beat..."isn't that the book where the tigers run around a tree and turn into butter?"... Great moment.

This hand crafted rocker is perfect for hours of quiet book reading.
As an aspiring artist in my teens, I loved the small pen drawings of Joan Walsh Anglund. I spent many hours trying to reproduce pages of her pocket size books. Anyone familiar with HiHo knows my infinity for Christmas, so when Joan Walsh Anglund's title Christmas Is A Time Of Giving was among the books in the Sambo box...well lets just say it was a good night. I don't think I have to tell you I'm keeping this book too.
I did purchase boxes of books, I even bought more at the next auction and mainly because they were all things from my past. I usually don't make emotional purchases at auction, I realize the risk of spending more than something is worth when ones emotions are involved. However I have justified the buying, these treasures look wonderful in our "Highchairs and Hiccups Room". These next pictures feature terrific
made in Spain, wooded toy banks.

Mixing old and new in our children's rooms adds charm, warmth and character. Sharing old favorite titles with our children reassures them we were kids once too.
Going Away With Jack and Judy features a story line of siblings, told in large early reader text. It's condition remains good.
This last shot shows how great the old and new blend for a classic look.
You may not have a child to buy for or a baby to shower in gifts but skipping a walk through our Highchairs and Hiccup room maybe a mistake. Why not let the memories pour over you?