Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#4 Christmas Theme

A Birds Eye View. The Hothouse area is snowy and bright. Every year I try to have a theme that brings the outside in . This year the cardinal's brilliant red color pops right off the white birch branches for a festive natural look.

I love it when the design in my head goes from drawing to the display and loses nothing in translation....it doesn't happen often.
The cardinals have small clips for easy placing.
Our HiHo relishes and toppings have been stocked and make great hostess gifts.
Remember just because the shop is full of wonder holiday treats doesn't mean we don't have great furniture choices this time of year.
The set of dishes are sold, however the vintage etched crystal stemware is waiting for the right home, a set of ten.
We even have the famous Aunt Sadies pine scent candles with a cardinal label.