A trip to the Woodbury Commons Outlet Stores turned into a series of pink moments.
The first indication was this store named Pink. The second was the window of pink at LaPerla.
Yes... sometimes I travel away from my home base, to look for inspiration. On this particular adventure my older daughter Whitney came along. ( She is home from school on her Spring break.) Once entering Betsy Johnson's outlet store there was no stopping the pink fashion show. 

Notice the floors and the dressing rooms were even pink! I love this old McCalls pattern with Audrey Hepburn, she looks like she's enjoying modeling the pink dress as much as Whitney ....
OK, how do I explain this last picture? My husband was eager to pose for this Pink Saturday blog post when I requested. He had worn his pink shirt to work and I thought to ask. It was his idea to grab an object of pink to hold for the shot. Turning the shoot into a giggle fest. He was a good sport. Maybe I'll get more of the family to join in next week? Until then be sure to join Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/

*Mention Pink Saturday when your in the shop this week and recieve 10% off any and all things Pink!