Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Good Tired

I'm now working everyday from ten in the morning to eight at night. Now I know very often I work hours longer than that running the shop and then going to auction....not to mention pick up and drop off of kids, meals, laundry and just boring must dos. However, it's the time a year that the doors are open at HiHo for ten hours everyday. A special time of year.... yeah, yeah, Merry Christmas and all that, but the only time of year that I leave displays to sit for weeks. Not one room in transition, not one room being flipped or refreshed, just sell, sell, sell. Longer visits with customers and the feeling of a well planned project completed , at last. Some how the thought of working the shop for ten hours is not overwhelming and is energizing. It's the last weekend before Christmas, snow is pending, the stock levels are diminishing, customers are weary, I am just a good tired and ready to do it again tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Pink Saturday Update

It's Pink Saturday, it happens every week , with me or without me. It has been months since I have participated and it has not been without regret.....because... Where have I been??? Working, here at HiHo and using facebook to keep the world informed that I am still alive. The retail fourth quarter can be overwhelming on it's own and have I mentioned, I have three teenagers, woops, sorry one turned 20 this week. HiHo, my shop, has sky rocked to new levels, since we were honored with the title of Best Gift Shop in the Hudson Valley, {well... we are meeting a lot of first time in customers anyway :)}. While using facebook has attracted a whole new customer base and is a great way to communicate with HiHo Fans, it has pulled me away from my beloved blog postings. Amazingly Beverly sends me an invite every week to join in on Pink Saturdays. Each week I read her email shake my head and think....I can't fit that in this week. DARN. This week I thought how dumb it would be if I didn't fit a Pink Saturday post in, me the avid 30 year collector of vintage pink Christmas ornaments.... I know all the followers of PS will appreciate my obsession and I love to share.

I don't usually share shots of my home. I attempt to use this blog to promote and inform about my shop, HiHo. However the holiday season in my home seems to scream Pink Saturday. The houses and deer sit behind the corner of the couch in my living room and the ornaments are from my tree.

May your season be bright and pink!

To continue more pink fun click on the I Love Pink button in my sidebar...thank you, Beverly, a big pink lipstick kiss to you;)

We Now Have A YouTube Channel

see other slide show videos of HiHo,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

don't miss it...

...a picture's worth a thousand words...taken by, photographer, Michael Gold of, The Corporate Image