I thought it would be fitting to share pink gifts on this special Christmas in July Pink Saturday, and some gifts that feature pretty pink frills. Because...
...blogging about HiHo has been such a gift for me and an asset to the shop. I have become part of a wonderful blogging community made of friends with heart and creative souls.
I thank you for your gifts of inspiration, thoughtfulness and shared memories.
So pick out a pink candy cane to your liking while I start to light the candles on the cake....and get your gift.
I wrapped the perfect pink gift in celebration of my 200th post.
You could be the lucky winner!
Just comment on this post, telling me about the best Christmas gift you ever received and I will put your name in for a chance to win. All my followers will have their names added for a chance to win too.

Yup that means two chances to win. (It's never to late to become a follower.)

I know it's not a birthday but whats a celebration without cake....so help me blow out the candles and make a wish for... lots more, inspiration, thoughtfulness and time to spend reflecting in blog land!
OH! here it is the gift I have saved for the lucky winner....it is one BIG prize.

A great diner weight cup and saucer.
A Lollipop.
A candy jar with sweet Barber Poles.
An Aunt Sadies Candle.
A Jane Austin 500 piece puzzle.
A cupcake filled with Salt Water Taffy.
Handmade cupcake picks.
A Gratitude Scentament.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
You have until 8:00 pm eastern standard time Weds. July 29th to become a follower and or comment about the best Christmas gift you ever received. I will post the winner on Thursday.
For more pink fun just click on the I Love Pink button in my side bar and tell Beverly HiHo Heidi sent ya!
Happy Pink!
Wow...how have I missed your blog? Everything is so beautiful. We have the same taste but unfortunately I do not have my own shop to show off my treasures. I am following you and the best Christmas gift I got was when my husband proposed with a bright and shiny diamond ring:-)
The best Christmas gift I ever got was when I was 16. My parents got me a karaoke machine off of QVC- this was before they were in stores! I wanted to be a singer so bad so this was the best present ever!
Unfortunately, it wouldn't work so my dad took it to a handyman a couple of days later and got it fixed for me. It cost him more than the machine itself!!
I had so much fun with that machine and it was the hit of the party with my friends. I wish I could be that excited about anything else again! ha!
What a great giveaway!! This is awesome! I love the pink typewriter!! My best Christmas ever was the year it took 13 of us almost seven hours to open all the Christmas presents at my Grandparents. I am not sure I could tell you a single item I got that year but I will always remember the "family" time we all had. The best Christmas gift I ever got was a set of dishes with Stars on the edge! We still use them!!
Oh my, so much eye candy here, I could just gobble it all up. Best Christmas present ever??? Ummmm, definitely my cabbage patch doll!
Congratulations on your 200th post! I'd love to be entered for the giveaway. :-) And I'd love for you to be entered in mine. Hope you'll come visit.
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
Oh My Gosh! This is so beautiful. I just love the work you have put into your blog. It's remarkable. I think the best Christmas ever for me is the following: It was the week before Christmas and our home was robbed. They took everything. We did not have the money to replace what was stolen so they kids would have no Christmas that year. My husband and I work for the same company, and they took up a collection for money and gave it to us, to buy for our kids for Christmas. That was the year I learned about "Better To Give Than Receive". Every year now I pick a Christmas Angel from the tree in the mall and buy a really nice Christmas for them. It was the most touching Christmas I can remember. Thanks for asking. Country Hugs My Friend, Sherry
Merry Christmas in JULY
Lovely post,
xxx DJ
Congratulations on reaching 200. I've enjoyed each and every one of your post. Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway.
Growing up Christmas was always such a special day. The best gift I got as a kid was a pair of roller skates with pink pompoms.
As an adult the best gift was an engagement ring from Phil.
congratulations on your 200th post!!! I'm here visiting from Maggi's to say Merry Christmas in July!
I LOVE all the pink! Last year I bought a shirt that said "I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas".
Barbie's Dream House was probably one of my favorites and got years of use. More recently an initial necklace from Tiffany & Co. tops the list!
It's all so gorgeous! Best Christmas gift ever...that's easy, my first Barbie doll house when I was 7! Still love it to this day!
Merry Christmas in July!
Hello and happy Pink Saturday. Even though I am not officially participating, I am! Lovely photos today.
My best Christmas has been every single one - I just love the entire holiday and what it represents. Oh I know Jesus wasn't really born on that specific day, but it's like a placeholder for us to celebrate, isn't it? Every year it's "the prettiest tree", "best food", "most wonderful family time"...
OH, and I am having a give away too so please come by and enter; )
Have a wonderful weekend ☺
the best christmas gift i ever got? hmm...that's definitely a toughie. as far as materialistic objects go, it would have to be my ipod nano. my needs are simple, and even though we were dirt poor at the time,my husband got it for me! :)
still, i feel blessed every christmas just to have my family!
i adore your pink typewriter btw and i am definitely following from now on! :D
the best christmas gift i ever received was my dd skyler who arrived dec 23, 2008! love your blog - merry christmas in july :)
Congratulation on your 200th post.
Happy PS
Now THATS a Christmas present! Er, presents! My best present? I would have to say the Christmas that my entire family was together-mine, my sisters, my mom, grandmother, aunts, everyone-in a little cottage on the gulf with one whole wall made of glass-we put a tree up and made every single decoration that went on that tree. We reenacted the scene in the manger. We baked and decorated cookies. Sang carols. Played board games. Chaos ensued during unwrapapalooza..then lots of food, and giggles, and naps, and smiles, and love. Not a single argument, no hurt feelings, no tears, simply The Best gift. Ever.
Merrryyy Christmas!!
xoxoxoxox Rhonda Roo
Holy smokes, what a beautiful party and a fabulous present for one lucky person! I am drooling over that Austen puzzle! lol The best gift I ever got was a Barbie dream house when I was around 4. I was so in love with it. I actually found one on eBay a little while a go and bought it for Toot to have when she's older! lol Congrats on the 200 posts, what a milestone!
Merry Christmas in July! Just stopping by from Maggi's. GREAT blog!
My favorite Christmas gift of all time was given to me by my older brother last Christmas. I love tree's, and he found a beautiful silver charm, with a silhouette of a tree in the middle. I wear it everyday now.
<3 Gina
The best Christmas gift I ever received was my very first 35mm camera from my dad. And I loved taking pictures with that camera. It was a Minolta and such a great camera! I was in my early 20s. I kept and used that camera until it got stolen along with several other things when our house got broken into in 2001.
I mourned that camera.....and nothing else really compares, either, even the digital SLRs!
The best Christmas gift I received, would be last christmas. My three grand=daughter made me a vase made from a small jar. They painted it blue with beautiful yellow and orange flowers. they didn't put flowers in it, but they did fill it with candy. They said that they didn't have flowers, because my garden didn't have some. But this gift keeps on giving, because when they come over they go outside and pick flowers from my garden and put them in the vase they made me. They always have a way of bring sunshine on a cloudy day. THANLS!!! for letting me tell my story about my Christmas vase.
I remember getting this Hawaiian Barbie when I was little! I wish I kept her :( Thanks for the wonderful Christmas in July share!
Hi darling!! Congratulations!! Your giveaway is simply fabulous and I can't get over that lollipop! LOL!
Gosh, I didn't even have to think very hard about this one: When I was 10 years old, we were at my favorite dept. store called Woolco and I fell hard for a beautiful girly pink diary and it had gold embossed roses stamped on the front with gilt bordered pages but the best part was that it had two little gold keys on a chatalaine which hung from a gold bracelet. I kept going back to it and thought I would die if I didn't have it. I didn't tell anyone except my sister Cyndi that I wanted it because it was quite expensive. Christmas day: I opened a beautifully wrapped present from my parents and it was the diary. To this day, I always thank Cyndi for spilling the beans and yes, my mother has my diary at home in my bedroom.
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D
Happy Pink Saturday! What wonderful goodies for your giveaway! My best Christmas present was getting a doll named
"Sparkle Plenty" when I was 5 years old. She was my forever friend.
The best Christmas gift I ever got was a set of ridiculously high threadcount sheets - now there's a gift I can enjoy year round! Oh the softness! :)
All those prettily wrapped gifts inspire me to get started on Christmas right away!
I started following your blog and how I wish I could visit your shop but I live oh-so far away!
oooh I love your blog, and what a great giveaway and pictures!
As Suzanne says..how have I ever missed your blog?? It's just wonderful. I did become a follower.. I can't wait to see all the Christmasy things you do..it's my favorite holiday/season and how I wish the love it brings out in most everyone lasted all year long.
And my best Christmas gift?? had to be the gorgeous dress I got a bit early for a school dance. It was the worlds most beautiful dress..the pale,palest yellow ...and frothy,frilly, girrly, made me feel like a princess dress.
Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely weekend.
Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie! 200 posts - what a milestone! Congratulations.
MY best gift? A Black & Decker drill so I could put up all my shelves etc for my art room (which meant I could change my mind as much as I liked without my husband moaning like hell because I wanted more holes drilling). I'm best left on my own when it comes to DIY (plus, he's accident-prone...)
My best Christmas present was from my first Christmas as a married lady; my hubsnad gave me a portrait he had commissioned of the little chapel we were married in.
Merry Christmas in July!
Wonderful CIJ party. I am finally getting to make the rounds. I did a quick check on my party and visited with guests there, so please excuse me if I missed you. I will be back home later to mingle some more. Right now, I am trying to fit in all the blog parties. This is such fun!!!!!
Merry Christmas in July from Texas!
Great blog and photos. TFS
My favorite Christmas memory is one of the first years that I was married and DH surprised me with a full set of Saladmaster cookware. He knew that I loved it and Christmas. He bought the set and spread it out all over the living room for me from Santa. We didn't have kids at the time, but this became a wonderful tradition for us to have unopened Santa out every year for each other. We didn't have kids for 7 years and were were established in our traditions by the time the kids came along.
What a great giveaway!!
Congratulation on your 200th post.
Happy Pink Saturday!!!
What a lovely party! Great give away as well!
Favorite gift: When I was about 6 yrs old, I fell in love with this particular doll. She was a ballerina and had these strange "lipstick" crayons that you could use to put make-up on her. I really really wanted her! Anyways, I still remember waking up that Christmas and seeing her little blonde head peeking over the edge of my bed. It seemed so magical. According to my parents, I said,
"oh thank you, father Christmas!"
Heidi, this is fun. And, I did take a candy came. Yum!
The best Christmas gift I ever received was not even meant to be a Christmas gift. When I was seven years old I had polio, and my parents and I lived in a different part of the county than any of our family. My daddy's parents drove to spend Christmas with us, and they brought one of my cousins with them.
About three weeks later, my grandfather passed away unexpectedly. I look back now and realize what a Christmas gift it was to spend his last Christmas with us.
Oh my goodness!! What treasures!!! Oh I hope my luck holds and I win this one too!
My best Christmas present ever...hum... I got some really great snowman boxes 2 years ago from my Mom who lives with me and they were such a surprise! I don't get many of those anymore. Mom is always afraid I go buy it myself! But my favorite Christmas memory was the year we lived in an apartment and were afraid Santa couldn't come and when we got up the front door was ajar and my parents either didn't realize they left it open or were pretending (I don't think they are that good) But my brother and I just loved it! We also had so much one year it was spilling out of the fireplace. We had wonderful Christmas when I was little back then you didn't get something daily or weekly like now!
SO many memories!!! What a fun post!
HAPPY 200!!
Happy Christmas in July!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
Beautiful treats! Love the Christmas post and congrats on your 200th post! I am following you for sure!
Your gifts look lovely! Happy Christmas in July! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Merry Christmas! Thanks for having me over....my best gift ever was my engagement ring - my hubby proposed on Christmas Eve! Appropriate since Christmas is my favorite time of year and he made me "hunt" for it with a "treasure hunt"!
What a great blog. I am so glad you came by and commented, so I could find your wonderderful blog.
I love the giveaway, it is so adorable.
My favorite Christmas gift was my Kitchen Aid mixer. I use it all the time! Especially at Christmas!
Thanks for sharing!
Merry X'mas. Things for sharing those lovely photos. The best X'mas gift I ever got was a handmade miniature X'mas tree from a good friend.
Amazing! What a generous giveaway! I think my most memorable Christmas present might be was a doll that was the same size I was....I was about 5 or 6 at the time. I don't remember her name but she was huge. Santa Claus brought her to me and I always wondered how he got her in the sleigh! She was my friend for a very long time!
SO Happy to find your lovely blog! And I thank you for visiting mine, I am now proudly following you! This giveaway is beyond lovely! I know for sure that the BEST christmas gift ever was My daughter (although she was born in July) I had suffered 2 miscarriages before carrying her, so that Christmas was THE best for me, no present I recieved that year could top her! :)
Happy Pink Saturday, Heidi! Love all the pinks! Such a darling post! The giveaway items are fabulous! Someone will be very lucky!
I'm crossing my fingers!
Have a lovey weekend!
Congrats on 200 Posts!
My best Christmas present ever were the Harry Potter books that my bubby got for me. I just loved them so much. It took about 2 years to appreciate them, but once I started, I was hooked. He was very thoughtful.
Just making some late rounds viewing all the CIJ blogs, I so enjoyed viewing yours - lovley images and your background blog is gorgeous.
I love pink too and you have done it well. Hmmmmmmm my best Christmas gift
was always the dolls Santa brought.
Each year he would bring me one doll,
one year I got a TINY TEARS, one year I got THUMBELLINA, and one year I finally got my BARBIE DOLL - BUBBLE CUT HAIR style....I still have my original barbie, sitting on
my shelf in my art room.
Wishing you everything great in your life.....thanks for sharing a wonderful Christmas spirit!
Heidi, I just love the look of your blog. The sepia-toned photos are so nostalgic. I have to say though, that the pink typewriter and pink candy canes are my favorites! Everything looks beautiful. Have a great weekend!
You sure know how to throw a party,Even those cany canes are beauties.Your presents are wraped so beautiully.What a joy I had.Merry Christmas in July ...Marie Antionette
Such beautiful pictures and a great giveaway...oooh I want to win! The best Christmas gift I ever received was...hmmmm...last year my Lil Sis gave me 6 handmade felted Mary Engelbreit Christmas ornaments...each one was perfect and had so much detail...I am sure they took forever to make...I will cherish them forever.
Beautiful pink and Christmas in July. Nice post!
Congrats on #200! Thank you for visiting my blog for P.S. and I adore your design aesthetic! I grew up in the arts/antique business and your Pink Items Rock!!
Hmm, this is a tough question, I have been blessed with my health, a loving family, a wonderful home, a fulfilling career, Christmas is like Cherry on the Sundae!!
I will go with 39 y/o at the age of 9 y/o, a Malibu Barbie.
Thanks so much.
I am a follower and so glad for it. Thank you again.
Congratulations on 200 post, love your blog and all the wonderful photos. The best Christmas gift is so hard as there have been many I love Christmas and have had some wonderful gifts. The one that came to mind first was when I was 5 we were at my grandmothers and my grandfather made a doll crib and my grandmother had knitted all the doll clothes and blankets it was amazing. I love playing dolls. Thanks for the opportunity to win a wonderful prize. Good luck to everyone.
Congrats on the 200th post and I WANT that pink typewriter! How COOL is that!!!
Thank you for stopping by!! I had to work yesterday so I too didn't get a chance to get around to too many PiNk SaTuRdAys and today we went out for a bit and I bought some PiNk goodies so I'm still celebrating a PiNk Weekend, LOL Hugs, Marsha
Cold, dark, misty in my neck of the woods. My perennials are hiding and I am wearing a sweatshirt. Coming here today made my day a little brighter. Thanks so much.
I'm a little late with my Pink Saturday visits because I had my grandsons for the weekend and couldn't tear myself away from them☺
♥Wishing you and yours a week full of happiness♥
Hi, Happy P.S! to you too...love your blog, it's delicious...I will be watching it from now on...xx
Hi! What a cute pink post!congrats for your 200 post!
Happy belated pink saturday!
count me in!
Oh my...I am happy to be a Follower to your site here, Heidi!..I learned of you thru
Bunnys blog..The Creative Hare!
I have received so many memorable things at christmas, but one stands out...My hubby surprised me with a big coffee table book of
Georgia O'Keefe's wonderful paintings!..I have it still..
Thanks for the opportunity to
join your giveaway list..lovely!
I will be returning often!
Congrats on you 200th post. I am now a follower of your wonderful blog.My best christmas gifts are the ones that are handmade.
Congratulations on your 200th post!
11 years ago my then 6 year old son went shopping with my mum for my Chrissy present. He insisted he wanted to get me a cup holder for my car. It matched the colour of the interior quite well - it's a small thing and not pink or fancy in any way but it's the best gift ever because - it was from my little boy; he wanted to give me something I needed and that He chose; he felt so proud giving it to me; it's held many coffees over the years; and it's still in use today :)
Happy pink saturday!
ciao for now,
Elena :)
Everything is so lovely. Your shop must be beautiful. I have enjoyed my visit.Happy Pink! & thanks for stopping by my party and leaving the sweet comment.8-)
Everything is yummy. Lollipops, cupcakes, candy jar LOL I'm not quite sure if I'm eligible but I still would like to share my memory for your Pink Saturday post. :-)
When I read "best Christmas gift", my mind zeroed in on one. When I was little, I remember I had such fascination of a sewing machine. Maybe because I wanted to dress my paper dolls. When Christmas season came, I saw Mama wrapping gifts but I didn't see what's inside mine cause she was wrapping gifts for me and my sister and her godsons and goddaughters (are those the right words?). When Christmas came we get to open our presents! Lo and behold there it was - a toy sewing machine! It's white and pink with yellow knobs. It's plastic but it works manually. You have to turn the wheel on the side. I didn't make any dresses as I can only manage straight lines LOL.
It is the best, not because of the sewing machine toy but because it is one of my most treasured memory. It's amazing cause I can remember it clearly - there she was wrapping it (not telling me) and the gift itself. So vivid. Like I said, it's the memory that zeroed in.
This was fun going back memory lane :-) Congratulations on your 200th post! I barely reached 50 and just thinking of writing that many a posts - my! A milestone.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Congratulations on your 200th!!! Oh my! I have quite a ways to go, since I just jumped into the blog world this past June!
hmmm. let's see...best Christmas gift...as a little girl...my bigger than life vinyl baby doll with eys that opened and closed (I wish I knew where she was now??) as a big girl...actually, it would have to be seeing our kids get their gifts.
Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway extravaganza of a package!!
and hope you stop by my blog again :o)
congrats on your 200th post and hope to see hundreds more to come! and I would love to enter your giveaway.. I like the typewritter.. stunning and Christmas in July! oh gosh.. am excited.. :-) have a great week
My favorite gift was one I received as a little girl. It was a metal train engine that ran off batteries. It didn't need a track, just a hard floor and it would go & go. I'm signing up to follow you now!
Thank you for the visit to my site.
Love what I see here and will revisit when I can stay longer.
I come from an auctioneering family and love antiques so I will certainly be digging into you back post. l
You have a lovely blog....and your giveaway is wonderful......
my best Christmas was the last one we had as a family before my parents divorced...I was 6.
God Bless You
where di you find the pink candy canes?
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