There are five windows that face the street at the front of the building. We try to place things in the windows that reflect the changes of merchandise in the shop. Sometimes challenging often difficult, the windows were never intended to be store front windows. They are small, narrow and only ten inches deep. The majority of our products are large home furnishings therefore impossible to display in the windows. Often we do one color theme for all five windows, usually marking the change of color themes inside the shop. Last summer I tried something new and did each window in a different color. I love when the flower boxes are in bloom they just add so much to the front of the building and to the window displays. HiHo staff member Susan worked on the spring windows with me a few weeks ago. It was her first time working on this task. We were gathering like objects from the shop, counting in fives, debating sizes of lifts and working within the time restraints of her scheduled shift. She compared it to being on a reality show….OK you have five small windows, one color theme, twenty five objects, your choice of items from the stock room and one hour…..go! We had a laugh, but it really does feel like a challenge that can get the best of you.
On the second anive

rsary of the shop I had this idea to take shots of some local customers who frequent the shop and use them in the windows. I wanted to look like they were celebrating, so we shot them, cheering, toasting and laughing.

I mounted the pictures on bright poster boards and put party hats, noise makers and streamers right over the prints. Many locals came by to get a look at friends in the display windows. Don and Claudia were good sports in posing for silly shots...
The windows have changed dozens of times over the past three years and I will continue to wish for huge store front windows. Although I know there is a small part of me that’s glad I am limited, it pushes me to be more creative.
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