Monday, October 11, 2010

Friends New & Old

Ahhh, what a weekend. The three day Columbus Day Weekend was a Hudson Valley high. Early morning frost and temps in the low 70's by the mid afternoon. A range of visitors from first timers to locals living less than a block away. The colors were out (although I do think next weekends colors will be better) and we were able to have the door open everyday.
He means HiHo!!
It's an exciting time of year the pace picks up and we also have the anticipation of the holiday sales. The dates have been picked for our annual in house/shop decorating party and our open house. Orders placed in August at the NYIGF need confirmation and tweaking, the room themes for the holidays are being put on paper, and the challenge of topping last years displays are on my mind.
Where do I look for inspiration, energy, even feed back? I'm so lucky to have peers that also own small businesses, from farmers to lawyers. Seeing their passion and commitment to succeed feeds my passion for HiHo.
I don't know what the next two months will bring, but I do know it will be an exciting ride. I will get to visit with new & old friends. It will fuel my enthusiasm for the 2011 and keep my entrepreneur heart beating and believing in my growing business. I thank you in advance for your amazing support of my dream, during this fourth quarter. Go, go, go!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Missing in Action

A whirl wind of weeks have blown by. New projects and just plain upkeep of the shop and life.
I've been working on the addition of shopping pages to our web site and I just finished my first HiHo How To Video, both challenging and rewarding. I hope you take a peek at both.
Mr. HiHo was a wonderful producer, director and camera man, I was a bumbling host. Every segment you see I did at least four times. What you see took two and a half hours in the shop and two hours at home editing. Now to figure out how to promote the HiHo YouTube Chanel? There is always work to be done ;))
We also did an installation of a Tuscany themed photo booth at a charity event....busy, busy.

I hope the elves are preparing the shop for Christmas, because I'm behind ;)!!!