I love getting things in the mail, it makes you feel so special. The surprise was addressed to both Susan and I....to, Heidi Hill-Haddard and Susan Hill, from Claudia Hill... our names always make me smile. (that's a blog for another night) anyway here is a photo of our gift.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Vintage Chicks
I love getting things in the mail, it makes you feel so special. The surprise was addressed to both Susan and I....to, Heidi Hill-Haddard and Susan Hill, from Claudia Hill... our names always make me smile. (that's a blog for another night) anyway here is a photo of our gift.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meet Catherine Boyd

Catherine is the newest member of the HiHo family. She is a talented upholsterer selling and showcasing her work on the second floor of HiHo. Catherine (Caty) has been reupholstering furniture for over 19 years. She works with antique and vintage pieces. Her love for the art of restoration shows in her work. Caty prefers the older furniture, trusting that the frames are superior to furniture built today and have more character. She uses high quality supplies, cushioning materials, fabrics and all springs are 8-way hand tied.
5:00PM - 7:00PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009
girl friends
So very often small groups of women share a trip to HiHo together. This afternoon there seemed to be more woman than usual enjoying each others company. Today two sisters came in and laughed out loud while reading greeting cards. A pair of older ladies (with large pocket books and gloves) pondered over where all the things of their mothers homes had gone. Four woman enjoyed time debating who had the best dessert at lunch. Even a couple of local antique dealers; gals just out running errands.... found the time to share a look around. The wind was strong, bitter cold and the sky was grey, but somehow I don't think that's what is going to stand out in the memory of the day for any of the woman that gathered at HiHo this afternoon. I am sure they are all home tonight grateful for having had a day to share with a friend.
I'm glad to have my girl friends.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
IKEA Adventure
Susan and I departed for New Jersey this morning after all respectable children were safely loaded on buses for school. She had been looking forward to sharing the experience with me. It took about an hour of driving to arrive at the massive store.
WOW, WOW, WOW, a retail wonder, nearly an amusement park for shoppers. We followed the arrowed floors, viewing thousands of items for sale...amazing. Clean, orderly, utilitarian, furniture, lighting, bedding, well... you know what is there, I'm the last person on earth to visit an IKEA. How did I send a child to school this past Sept. without shopping for her dorm room in an IKEA? anyway....
We had lunch, ran into a HiHo customer and of course bought a few items for our homes. An enjoyable Tuesday, the pleasure was all mine, thanks Susan.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thanks for a Great Time!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Serve Up a Complete Look

Future Possiblities

You can tell from the pictures he was working very close to where Humphrey enjoys his sunshine.

Friday, February 13, 2009
Ready and Waiting

Thursday, February 12, 2009
HiHo Basketball

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Honey of a Weekend (press release)
Local Honey Available in Gardiner
HiHo Home Market and Widmark Farms have joined together for a Honey of a Weekend. Enjoy honey pairing and tastings all day Saturday and Sunday February 14/15. Heidi Hill-Haddard of HiHo and Melinda Widmark of Widmark Farms will be hosting the event at HiHo Home Market and Antique Center on Main Street in Gardiner. Visitors can expect honey recipes, tales of the farm and discounts on related gift items.
Widmark Farms, a staple landmark of Gardiner, has been a destination of people of all ages for close to half a century. With Mary Widmarks declining health the farm shut the gate at the end of 2006. The business continued to serve customers online and through the cooperation with other local businesses. It was at this time that HiHo started selling Widmark Farms products. Creamed honey, honey comb, bee’s wax, jarred Clover, Wildflower and Buckwheat honey now stock the shelves at HiHo. Heidi Hill-Haddard, owner of HiHo recalls, “it seemed like the local honey was a perfect match for the shop and a way to continue the tradition of it being sold right here in Gardiner.” Melinda Widmark of Widmark Farms commented, “I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of old friends this weekend.”
For more information, call (845)255-1123
Because You're Worth It!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
A Honey of a Weekend!
Quoted in Country Business Magazine
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dan Moves On
Yesterday he packed up his belongings and moved out. He assured me we will continue to see each other and do business together. (He did much of the construction in the Christmas Room) The vacant room is a reminder that everything changes.
I have new exciting plans for Dan's room. Some construction , some painting and a new member added to the HiHo family....Hows that for a tease?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Soooo Nice
With so many visitors Humphrey snuck in a sun nap. I guess he's not a REAL party animal.