Saturday, January 31, 2009
Preferred Customer Alert
We’re rewarding our best customers with the HiHo Preferred Customer card. Come in to the shop and ask about how you can get one and what the benefits are.
Believe me, it is well worth being a Preferred Customer at HiHo. It’s our way of saying “thank you” to our frequent shoppers who continue to support us through thick and thin. We appreciate the fact that you’ve invested in your own local economy by supporting us…a local business that gives back to its community.
Don’t worry, if you already have a Preferred card hang onto it. Mention the blog and we will give it a punch!
Dancing In My Head

Friday, January 30, 2009
Homemade in a Box


Thursday, January 29, 2009
My Trip to NYC

Tuesday was a full day as well. Carol, friend and one of the resident dealers at HiHo joined me first thing in the morning. It was a day of return visits to booths that got my attention on the first two days. It will take me weeks to digest all the products and ideas I have absorbed from my outing to the show, but as always, I'm sure good things will happen at HiHo as a result of making the trip.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm Off to New York
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mark the Date

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sneak Peek
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It Is Heavy

Monday, January 12, 2009
A Treasure

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Fresh and Classic

Friday, January 9, 2009
Five in Eight!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Four Auctions in One Week

A lot of times,Auctions can disappoint you. I go with the list in my head and often nothing fits with the list. That's where visiting with friends, Humphrey, my sketch book, food and retail catalogs come into play. A few auctions have amazing homemade food. ( I'll have to do a blog on that.) You have to sit for at least four hours at Auction even if you only for one thing. There is always the item you never saw during preview and the item you previewed and changed your mind about. Oh yes, I bring gloves for cold nights, a wrap for my legs, cell phone for texting, my box and bubble wrap for transporting purchased smalls, my camera...well my big bag of stuff. Blankets to wrap furniture are always waiting in the truck. Why am I sharing all this information with you? Just in case you were under the impression that I've been living the high life out late on the town four nights this week. HaHa Ha.... The shop is really coming along, mostly because of all the new goodies bought a auction. Thank God for my truck and cushions on the metal chairs at auctions. Oh yeah, and Richard.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
One Room at a Time
At auction last night I was able to get a great barrel table and a few deep tone small items to help with the theme . Although the cougar or the bear skin rug that sold would have really given the room a Roosevelt feel....I resisted.
As usual an item sold before I took the photo of it...sorry. The item that sold so fast was a large clock I hung above the mantle. It gave the look of a gentleman's den to the room. I'm sure I'll get something else to put there before the week is out.
With all these books in the front of the shop, it might just put you in the mood to do some reading. Be sure to page through our loan library of decorator books.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The HiHo Brand
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I spent today doing the dreaded, take down the Christmas decor.( wish it was that easy) I am all too well aware that this is just the first of many, many days of packing greens, untangling lights, sucking up weeks of dust bunnies, struggling with Rubbermaid containers and running the stairs to the Christmas room. That being said, I reward myself by doing over rooms in new colors and themes, as each sheds it's holiday luster. Now I don't want you to run over right away thinking the shop is all fresh and new after only one day....however I'm very pleased to be able to tease you with the beginnings of things to come.
Missing Claudia Already